Alexandra and Francis Pang’s Shine London Walk 2018
We will be joining other Cancer Ninjas for the London Shine night walk on the 22nd September 2018. We are raising money for Cancer Research UK. Please help us in the fight to beat cancer.
Raising funds for: 1 CRUK Shine London Walk September 2018 Parent
193.33% Raised
£580.00 raised of £300.00 goal of which £50.00 was Gift Aid
23 Donations
On September 22nd 2018, we will be walking the Shine half-marathon night-time walk through London with a large group of us called Cancer Ninjas. We are raising money for Cancer Research UK in order to help beat cancer.
Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further.
Far too many of us are affected by cancer and have lost loved ones. We would be so grateful if you feel able to sponsor us. Let’s unite in the fight to beat cancer.
Good luck mummy and daddy, Love Annabel ???xxx
Hi Francis and Alexandra, All the best!!
Well done Alex and Francis – what an amazing cause to walk for!
Thank-you sooo much and I hope to join you next year. Very Best Wishes to Everyone. XXX
Good luck to both of you. It’s for a great cause.
Good luck Alex and Francis love Gemma and Paul
Best of luck Alex and Francis. Fantastic cause!
Much love xx
Good luck for your walk
I hope the walk goes well and for such a great cause. Lots of love to you both. X
Well done Alexandra and Francis!
Well done guys xx