Cancer Ninjas FAQs
Nothing! We at Cancer Ninjas prefer the term Events and use that where we can, but some elements of our website forms (called plugins) are used in thousands of other websites where they are referred to as Campaigns.
This is a quirk that the developers are working on. In the short-term we can do it for you. Please just email us at or use the contact us form.
Keep it short and snappy and about you not the event you are creating. Remember you Bio is part of your profile that will show on all your events, hence best not to make it event specific.
Creating links is not feature of user rights. If you enter a link your supporters will have to copy and paste it into their browser. However if you email us at or use the contact us form with the information of the link you need activating, we will be happy to enable it.
If you copy and pasted the content in from a web page, Word etc there may well be some HTML tags wrapped around the paragraphs, and these are breaking the formatting.
To fix your problem you need to remove these tags. The simplest way to do this is by copying and pasting the content into a simple text file (on Windows, use something like Notepad — definitely not Word) and then copy and paste it back into the editor from there. This should remove all the HTML tags and replace them with standard paragraph tags, which is what you want).
Try choosing a smaller image and avoid images which contain text you need to read, as they display differently across multiple devices which makes choosing the right size difficult.
Your images should upload as you see them on your own device. If you struggle please just upload them in the wrong orientation and email us at or use the contact us form and we can rotate them for you.
Simply click the Facebook share button underneath your events main featured image and it will automatically create the share content for you.
The username you created when you registered is not user amendable, however if you email us at or use the contact us form we will be happy to do it for you.
We are most grateful for all feedback, and so yes please if you have some helpful FAQ's to suggest, please do email them to or use the contact us form. Thank you.