How about a small donation to make an old man run?

….AND to really make him suffer, please make an additional £5 contribution – when we raise at least an additional £50, he’ll also do a half-marathon, the NEXT DAY. For those that know him, the joy of knowing the pain he’ll endure should be an added incentive for you! So please be generous, remember Sharon, and help Richard get to his target.
Update 10th April 2017 – Did it – THANK YOU !
I managed to do the 10k and 21k and have the sore legs (and other bits!) to prove it. An unusual rainy weekend in Canberra made this a bit soggy, but Sharon was with me the whole way. Thank you everyone for sponsoring me, it really did spur me on thinking that maybe we were making a small difference.
Please see the bottom of this page to see some a few more pictures, check out the Ninjas in Action Gallery for extra or visit to see them all. Thank you again, and I look forward to catching up with some of you at the Shine walk in London in September.
All the best, Richard
Update 5th April 2017 – WE GOT THERE!
We’ve got to the fantastic target of £500! THANK YOU everyone and thank you to Brian & Rosemary for getting us over the line with just 3 days to go! So now the weekend challenge approaches, the training is “done”… I’m not looking for fast….I’ll just take completion / survival as a win! But Sharon will be with me, as she is on every run; she inspires me – although I can hear her telling me I’m bloody idiot , and I hope she’s happy with the effort. Thank you again, and I pray our efforts and donations have touched a life.
Update 2nd April 2017 – Just 1 more week
Thinking of Sharon
Update 26th March 2017 – 2 weeks to go!
Blimey, more running. 2 weeks to go and my legs feel like jelly!
Update 19th March 2017
10K yesterday, 14K today. Legs a bit wobbly! 3 weeks to go…
Update 1th March 2017
Beautiful morning for this week’s 16K run. 4 more weeks to go! And just £21.25 needed to get to the current target – subject to change by Mike of course !
Update 4th March 2017
14K run this morning. 5 weeks to go to the big day….Thank you everyone for your kind donations, nearly there!
Update 21st February 2017 – Training at the beach
Went down to the coast at the weekend, got in a few k’s on the beach. Hate running on sand… good for the legs though I’m told
So sorry for your loss. We miss you guys!
Good Luck Richard
Good luck Rich! X
Good luck Dick!! Get those little legs moving!!!
Good Luck Rich
Think of this as a warm up….! Good luck Sis x
Will you be wearing Lycra?
Well done Rich, Sharon will be cheering you on & reminding you to use plenty of talcum powder…….!
So sorry to hear about Sharon. Go Rich!
Best of luck! Don’t let the blisters slow you down.
No turning back now Richard! Good Luck … with both the 10k and half marathon!!
I have just about managed one 10k run in my life. The thought of doing a half marathon the day after makes me feel sick! Good challenge – good luck with the training and the events.
We like to think that our sponsorship donation will help spur you on – Best of luck Richard and thanks. Congratulations on reaching your target. Best wishes and again good luck.
So immensely proud of what you done and an absolute privilege to have been there with you! We feel we have got to know Sharon over the last couple of months and how much she truly meant to you and Gill. #forsharon